Commemorated on 9 plaques
Giuseppe Mazzini 1805-1872 Italian patriot lived here
183 Gower Street, London, United Kingdom where they lived
Dio Popolo Pensiero 1805-1872 in this country. Giuseppe Mazzini the apostle of modern democracy inspired young Italy with the ideal of independence unity and regeneration of his country.
10 Laystall Street, London, United Kingdom where they was
Qui nacque Giuseppe Mazzini il 22 Giugno 1805
Via Lomellini, 11 - 16124, Genova, Italy where they was born (1805)
In this house Giuseppe Mazzini, the apostle of modern democracy, inspired young Italy with the ideal of the unity, independence & regeneration of his country
5 Hatton Garden, EC1, London, United Kingdom where they lived
En questa casa ove abito il popolano Giuseppe Dolpi convennuro patriotti generrosi da ogni parte del mondo civile e Giuseppe Mazzini e Giuseppe Garibaldi vi ebbero fida ospitalita in vario tempo 1860_1866_1867 a promuovere la feconda armonia del pensiero e dell' azione
English translation: In this house where the commoner Giuseppe Dolpi lived there were generous patriots from all over the civil world and Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi had trusted hospitality there at various times 1860_1866_1867 in promote the fruitful harmony of thought and action [AWS Translate]
, Florence, Italy where they visited
A Giuseppe Mazzini Apostolo della umana fratellanza che qui visse Preparando i destini della patria Italiana
English translation: TO Giuseppe Mazzini Apostle brotherhood of man who lived here Preparing the destinies the Italian home
Museo d'Arte - Riva Antonio Caccia, Lugano, Switzerland where they Lived here
Ai fattori dell italia una libera indipendente Vittorio Emanuele II Camillo Benso di Cavour Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Mazzini Perugia decreto municipale iv maggio mdccclxxii
English translation: To the factors of Italy a free independent Vittorio Emanvele II Camillo Benso di Cavour Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Mazzini Perugia Municipal Decree 4 May 1872 [AWS Translate]
Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria - Corso Pietro Vannucci, Perugia, Italy where they was
A Giuseppe Mazzini Mentre Vendicato dai suoi stessi persecutori ritorna nella scuola nel comizio nella vita immemori ormai i figli d'Italia dell esilio ove agonizzante lo relegava la patria ristorta dedica Cortona questo tenie rio per ammonire come nessun nembo oscurantista nessuna furia iconoclastica porta mai offuscare il trionfo del genio che a prezzo di martirio sulla storia del suo popola incise la parola redenzione
English translation: To Giuseppe Mazzini While Avenged by his own persecutors Go back to school In the Rally in Life Forget the Children of Italy by now Of exile where agonizing Did La Patria Ristorta relegate it Dedicate Cortona to this tenie rio To admonish Like no obscurantist nembo No iconoclastic fury Bring Never Overshadow The Triumph of Genius That at the price of martyrdom About the history of its people Engraved the word redemption [AWS Translate]
Bottega Baracchi - Piazza Garibaldi, Cortona, Italy where they was