Thomas Rainsborough was buried in this churchyard on the 14th November 1648 after a funeral procession organised by the Leveller movement. Rainsborough was a spokesman for the Levellers and a colonel in the New Model Army. He was killed by a Royalist raiding party during the siege of Pontefract. On the day of the funeral a Leveller leaflet recorded the inscription of Rainsborough's tomb. It proclaimed Rainsborough had made 'King, Lords, Commons, Judges shake, Cities and Committees quake'. He was, it said, 'just, valiant and true'. It ended with the words that here Rainsborough 'bids the noble Levellers adieu'. This plaque was unveiled by Cllr Rania Khan, writer John Rees and politician Tony Benn in 2013.

This is an approximate position

St John's churchyard, Scandrett St, London
[geolocate this address]
Google Streetview OpenStreetMap

by Tower Hamlets on 12 May 2013

Colour: green




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