Ancienne place de Grève agrandie en 1778, puis en 1853. A cet endroit, le 22 juillet 1789, l'intendant de Paris, Louis Bénigne François de Bertier de Sauvigny et son beau-père Joseph Foullon, Conseiller d'Etat, furent mis a mort.

English translation: "Former place of Strike enlarged in 1778 and then in 1853. On 22 July 1789 the intendant of Paris, Louis Bénigne François de Bertier de Sauvigny, and his stepfather Joseph Foullon, Councillor of State, were killed. [AWS Translate]"
This is an approximate position

7 Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, Paris
[geolocate this address]
Google Streetview OpenStreetMap

by Paris

Colour: marble




None identified yet. Subjects are curated by hand so please bear with us.