In memory of those who were killed in the bomb attack on a Piccadilly line train between King's Cross St Pancras and Russell Square stations on 7th July 2005. James Adams, Philip Beer, Anna Brandt, Ciaran Cassidy, Rachelle Chung For Yuen, Liz Daplyn, Arthur Frederick, Karolina Gluck, Gamze Günoral, Ojara Ikeagwu, Emily Jenkins, Sam Badham, Helen Katherine Jones, Susan Levy, Shelley Mather, Michael Matsushita, James Mayes, Behnaz (Nazy) Mozakka, Lee Christopher Harris, Mihaela Otto, Atiq Sharifi, Ihab Slimane, Christian Njoya Diawara Small, Monika Suchocka, Mala Trivedi. London will not forget them and all those who suffered that day
Bernard Street, Russell Square Station, London
Google Streetview
Colour: black

7 July 2005 London bombings
(2005) bombing
(2005) bombing
Philip Beer
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Ciaran Cassidy
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Liz Daplyn
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Karolina Gluck
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Ojara Ikeagwu
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Samantha Badham
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Susan Levy
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Michael Matsushita
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Behnaz Mozakka
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Mihaela Otto
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Ihab Slimane
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Monika Suchocka
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
James Adams
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Anna Brandt
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Rachelle Chung For Yuen
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Arthur Frederick
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Gamze Günoral
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Emily Jenkins
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Helen Katherine Jones
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Shelley Mather
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
James Mayes
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Lee Christopher Harris
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Atiq Sharifi
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Christian Njoya Diawara Small
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim
Mala Trivedi
(d.2005) bombing victim
(d.2005) bombing victim