Ben Lucien Burman (1895-1984). Born in Covington and inspired by the Ohio River, he became famed chronicler of life and people along America's rivers and in Kentucky's mountains. His 22 novels, fables, and works of nonfiction were widely translated. Burman's Steamboat Round the Bend (1933) became Will Rogers' last movie. See over. Presented by Northern Kentucky Heritage League. (Reverse) Ben Lucien Burman (1895-1984) - Hailed as "new Mark Twain" for his stories of river life, Burman also became "a second Aesop" with his "High Water at Catfish Bend" (1952) and six related fables of mythical animal folk. Awarded French Legion of Honor in 1946 for World War II reports from Africa. Roamed world as special writer for Reader's Digest. Over.

Covington, Riverside Dr.,
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by Kentucky Historical Society and Kentucky Highways Department #1967 of the Kentucky Historical Marker series

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