Agzi Kara Han (Hoca Mesut Kervansarayi) (1231-1239) Aksaray-Kayseri yolu uzerinde bulunan agzikarahan Selcuklu eseri olup Sultan Hanlartipindedir. Han kislik ve yazlik olmak uzere kapalive acik kisimdan. Kislik kismii. Aleattin Keykubat zamaninda 1231, yazlik kismi ise 1239 yilinda II. Giyaseddin Keyhursrev'in hukumdarligi sirainda tamamlanmistir. Hanin ki kitabesi vardi. Kislik kisim kapisindaki kitabeye gore bin Abdullah Tarafindan yaptrii mistir. Giris cephesi yanda olup kuveetli kapi kitlesi agir kukeleri ile kale gorunumun dedir. Avlunun ortasinda yukselen kosk mescit aksaray-kayseri Sultan Hanlarindan sonra ucuncu olarak bu handa gorulmektedir. Susleme unsurlari pertallerde (kapilarda) kosk mescit ve kislik kisim kubbesinde toplan mistir. Agzi Kara Han (Hoca Mesut Caravanserai) (1231-1239) This atypical caravanserai which is situated on the Aksaray-Kayseri highway it has two parts one open and one covered which are used for summer and winter time the open part was built by Alaattin Keykubat in 1231 and covered part was built by Giyaseddin Keyhusrev in 1239. It has two inscriptions according to the inscriptions which is on the covered part's gate. It was built by Hoca Bin Abdullah The entrance is in she side of the building it has, a castle like epperance with it's heavy strong gate and turrets. The kiosk mescit (small pavillion mosque) stands in the courtyard this is the third largest caravanserai after Aksaray-Kayseri caravanserai most of the ornamentions are found of the portals. Kiosk mescit and covered part's dome.