William Blake poet & painter lived in a house formerly on this site 1793
The plaque was erected by the City of London Corporation at the suggestion of London County Council between 1901 and 1907. Lambeth Archives, the official archive of Lambeth Borough Council in London within whose jurisdiction this plaque falls, have clarified for us [29/5/12] that the date given on the plaque which states Blake lived here from 1793 in incorrect. In fact he lived here from 1790 - 1800. They host a substantial local history artefacts and records archive which is accessible to the public at Minet Library, 52 Knatchbull Road, London SE5 9QY, as well as running free history walks and events year-round across Lambeth. The archive is relocating to 16 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RB in January 2024. A large part of their photographic collection has been digitised, and can be found on the Lambeth Landmark website: https://boroughphotos.org/lambeth/
Hercules Road, London
Google Streetview

(1757-1827) poet