Telford (1822-34) a W A Provis (1822-50). Gwaith Haearn: W Hazledine, T Rhodes, Gwaith Carreg: J Wilson. Dyma'r Adeiilawaith Pwysicaf ar y Ffordd Bwysig Rhwmg Bangor a Chaer. Adeiladwyd Pont Grog Conwy, Sef Creadigaeth Fwyaf trawiadol Telford yn y dull Gothig, gyda'r un dechnoleg a ddatblygwyd ar gyfer y bont fwy dros y fenai (1818-26), ac mae ganddi ei chadwyni haearn gwreiddiol. International Historic Civil Engineering Landmark Conwy Suspension Bridge. Erected 1822-1826, span 327ft. Since replaced and strengthened with side trusses 1896, Closed to Vehicular Traffic 1958. Engineers: T Telford (1822-34) and W A Provis ( 1822-50) . Ironwork: W Hazledine, T Rhodes, Masonry: J Wilson. This was the major structure on the strategically important Bandor to Chester Road. Conwy Suspension Bridge, Telford’s most dramatic creation in the Gothic style was built with the identical technology developed for the larger Menai bridge (1818-26) and still has its original iron chains.
Nodwedd Peirianneg Sifil o Bwysigrwydd Hanesyddol Rhyngwladol Pont Grog Conwy. Codwyd 1822-1826, Rhychwant 327tr. Ailosodwyd a Chryfhawyd y Dec Gydag ategion ochr 1896, Caewyd I Gerbydau 1958. Peirianwyr: T
Conwy Suspension Bridge close to the Toll House, Conwy
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by Institution of Civil Engineers and American Society of Civil Engineers on 26 June 2003
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