T. S. Eliot OM

Died aged c. 77

Thomas Stearns Eliot OM (26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965) was a poet, essayist, publisher, playwright, literary critic and editor. Considered one of the 20th century's major poets, he is a central figure in English-language Modernist poetry. Born in St. Louis, Missouri, to a prominent Boston Brahmin family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and went on to settle, work, and marry there. He became a British citizen in 1927 at the age of 39, subsequently renouncing his American citizenship. Eliot first attracted widespread attention for his poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" in 1915, which, at the time of its publication, was considered outlandish. It was followed by "The Waste Land" (1922), "The Hollow Men" (1925), "Ash Wednesday" (1930), and Four Quartets (1943). He was also known for seven plays, particularly Murder in the Cathedral (1935) and The Cocktail Party (1949). He was awarded the 1948 Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his outstanding, pioneer contribution to present-day poetry".

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Commemorated on 4 plaques

T. S. Eliot OM 1888-1965 poet lived and died here

3 Kensington Court Gardens, Kensington and Chelsea, W8, London, United Kingdom where they lived and died (1965)

T. S. Eliot 1888-1965 poet, critic, playwright lived here

Crawford Mansions, Homer Row, London, United Kingdom where they lived

T. S. Eliot poet and publisher worked here for Faber and Faber 1925-1965

Russell Square, London, United Kingdom where they worked

The poet T S Eliot lived here 1917-1920

31 West Street, Marlow, United Kingdom where they lived