philosopher and satirist
Died aged c. 84
Wikidata WikipediaFrançois-Marie Arouet (French: [fʁɑ̃swa maʁi aʁwɛ]; 21 November 1694 – 30 May 1778) was a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher. Known by his nom de plume M. de Voltaire (/vɒlˈtɛər, voʊl-/; also US: /vɔːl-/; French: [vɔltɛːʁ]), he was famous for his wit, and his criticism of Christianity—especially of the Roman Catholic Church—and of slavery. Voltaire was an advocate of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a versatile and prolific writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poems, novels, essays, histories, and scientific expositions. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and 2,000 books and pamphlets. Voltaire was one of the first authors to become renowned and commercially successful internationally. He was an outspoken advocate of civil liberties and was at constant risk from the strict censorship laws of the Catholic French monarchy. His polemics witheringly satirized intolerance, religious dogma, and the French institutions of his day. His best-known work and magnum opus, Candide, is a novella which comments on, criticizes, and ridicules many events, thinkers, and philosophies of his time.
Commemorated on 4 plaques
Voltaire 1694-1778 French philosopher and satirist lodged in a house on this site 1727-1728
10 Maiden Lane WC2, London, United Kingdom where they lodged (1727-1728)
Café Procope fondé en 1686 Durant la Révolution il devint le café Zoppi et fut le théatre d'evenements historiques. Marat y venait en voisin et le Club des Cordeliers s'y réunissait. Les mots d'ordre de l'attaque des Tuileries des 20 Juin et 16 Aout 1792 partirent du Procope. Hebert y Fracassa le Marbre du Bureau de Voltaire dans une harangue enflamée et le bonnet phrygien y fut porté pour la premier fois.
English translation: Café Procope founded in 1686 During the Revolution he became the Zoppi coffee shop and was the theatre of historical events. Marat was there next door and the Club des Cordeliers was meeting there. The order of the attack on the Tuileries of 20 June and 16 August 1792 came from the Procope. Hebert y Fracassa the Marble of Voltaire's Office in a fiery harangue and the phrygian cap was worn there for the first time. [AWS Translate]
13 rue de l'Ancienne Comédie, Paris, France where they was
Voltaire né a Paris le 21 novembre 1694 est mort dans cette maison le 30 mai 1778
English translation: Voltaire, born in Paris November 21 1694, died in this house May 30 1778
27 quai Voltaire, Paris, France where they died (1778)
Café Procope. Ici Procopio dei Coltelli fonda en 1686 le plus ancien café du monde et le plus célèbre centre de la vie littéraire et philosophique au 18e et au 19e siècles. Il fut fréquenté par La Fontaine, Voltaire, les Encyclopédistes, Benjamin Franklin, Danton, Marat, Robespierre, Napoléon Bonaparte, Balzac, Victor Hugo, Gambetta, Verlaine et Anatole France.
English translation: Café Procope. Here Procopio dei Coltelli founded in 1686 the oldest café in the world and the most famous center of philosophical and literary life in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was visited by La Fontaine, Voltaire, Les Encyclopédistes, Benjamin Franklin, Danton, Marat, Robespierre, Napoléon Bonaparte, Balzac, Victor Hugo, Gambetta, Verlaine and Anatole France.
13 rue de l'Ancienne Comédie, Paris, France where they visited