William Smith

Died aged c. 70

William 'Strata' Smith (23 March 1769 – 28 August 1839) was an English geologist, credited with creating the first detailed, nationwide geological map of any country. At the time his map was first published he was overlooked by the scientific community; his relatively humble education and family connections prevented him from mixing easily in learned society. Financially ruined, Smith spent time in debtors' prison. It was only late in his life that Smith received recognition for his accomplishments, and became known as the "Father of English Geology".

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Commemorated on 6 plaques

In this house, William Smith, the father of English geology, dictated "The Order of the Strata" December 11th 1799

29 Pultney Street, Bath, United Kingdom where they dictated "The Order of the Strata"

William 'Strata' Smith 1769 -1839 Father of English Geology lived here 1835-1839

1 Newborough (Bar Street elevation), Scarborough, United Kingdom where they lived

Here lived William Smith "Father of English geology" Born 23rd March 1769, died 28th August 1839.

Tucking Mill Cottage, Midford, United Kingdom where they lived

William Smith 1769-1839 "Father of English Geology" made the first map of an entire country -England and Wales- in 1815 lived on this site 1804-1819

15 Buckingham Street, WC2, London, United Kingdom where they lived (1804-1819)

William Smith (1769-1839) stayed with Edward Webb (surveyor) in this house from 1787 to 1791. Smith's pioneering geological map of Britain in 1815 earned him the Title "Father on English Geology"

Manor House, Stow-on-the-Wold, United Kingdom where they stayed (1787-1791)

To Rugbourne Farm where William Smith "Father of English Geology" lodged. 1792-1795

Bungay's Hill, High Littleton, United Kingdom where they lodged near (1792-1795)