1. This memorial commemorates the work done on behalf of the parish and the people of Stoke by the Conservators of the ancient commons of the parish. The Conservators were in control of the commons from 1889 to 1928, when their duties were taken over by the Corporation of Coventry. Erected in 1933. 2.The Mayor of Coventry (Alderman Fred Lee); Stephen Evans Bayley, Joseph Holt & Charles Payne, councillors for Stoke ward; John Marriott Binley, Arthur Chattaway, Charles Alfred Gray, William Hodgson Malcolm, John Woodward & Robert Wormell; Clerk to the Conservators: Henry Benjamin Sparkes.

Stoke Common, Binley Road, Coventry
Google Streetview OpenStreetMap

by Coventry City Council

Colour: grey




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