King Charles IX of France

King of France (1560-1574)

Died aged 23

Charles IX (Charles Maximilien; 27 June 1550 – 30 May 1574) was King of France from 1560 until his death in 1574. He ascended the French throne upon the death of his brother Francis II in 1560, and as such was the penultimate monarch of the House of Valois. Charles' reign saw the culmination of decades of tension between Protestants and Catholics. Civil and religious war broke out between the two parties after the massacre of Vassy in 1562. In 1572, following several unsuccessful attempts at brokering peace, Charles arranged the marriage of his sister Margaret to Henry of Navarre, a major Protestant nobleman in the line of succession to the French throne, in a last desperate bid to reconcile his people. Facing popular hostility against this policy of appeasement and at the instigation of his mother Catherine de' Medici, Charles oversaw the massacre of numerous Huguenot leaders who gathered in Paris for the royal wedding, though his direct involvement is still debated. This event, known as the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, was a significant blow to the Huguenot movement, and religious civil warfare soon began anew. Charles sought to take advantage of the disarray of the Huguenots by ordering the siege of La Rochelle, but was unable to take the Protestant stronghold. Many of Charles' decisions were influenced by his mother, a fervent Roman Catholic who initially supported a policy of relative religious tolerance. However, after the events of St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, he began to support the persecution of Huguenots. However, the incident haunted Charles for the rest of his life, and historians suspect that it caused his physical and mental health to deteriorate in his later years. Charles died of tuberculosis in 1574 without legitimate male issue, and was succeeded by his brother Henry III, whose own death in 1589 without issue allowed for the ascension of Henry of Navarre to the French throne as Henry IV, establishing the House of Bourbon as the new French royal dynasty.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

Le Château Vieux Construit Sur Lemplacement Du Castellum Romain Par Bertrand Vicomte De Bayonne A Ete Habite Par Don Alfonso Le Batailleur Roe De Navarre (1130) Le Prince Noir + Duguesclin Don Pedro Le Cruel Roi De Castille (1367) Louis XI (1463) Francois Ier (1526) Charles IX (1565) Louis XIV (1660) Marie Anne De Neubourg Reine D'espagne (1706) Let Le General Palafox Defenseur De Sar Agosse (1809)

English translation: The Old Castle Built on the site of the Roman Castellum by Bertrand Vicomte de Bayonne Has Been Habited By Don Alfonso The Fighter Roe Of Navarre (1130) The Black Prince + Duguesclin Don Pedro The Cruel King Of Castile (1367) Louis XI (1463) Francis I (1526) Charles IX (1565) Louis XIV (1660) Marie Anne De Neubourg Queen of Spain (1706) Let General Palafox Defender Of Sar Agosse (1809) [AWS Translate]

Château Vieux - Rue des Gouverneurs, Bayonne, France where they lived (1565)

Cette Place Anciennement Denommee De Gramont a Vu en 1565 Le Carrousel Offert Par Charles IX Et Catherine De Médicis a Elisabeth De Valois Et a La Cour D'espagne

English translation: This Place Formerly known as De Gramont Saw Le Carrousel in 1565 Offered By Charles IX And Catherine De Medici has Elisabeth De Valois And at the Spanish Court [AWS Translate]

Mairie de Bayonne - Place de la Liberté, Bayonne, France where they gave (1565)