King Francis I of France
18th King of France (1515-1547)
Died aged 52
Wikidata WikipediaFrancis I (French: François Ier; Middle French: Francoys; 12 September 1494 – 31 March 1547) was King of France from 1515 until his death in 1547. He was the son of Charles, Count of Angoulême, and Louise of Savoy. He succeeded his first cousin once removed and father-in-law Louis XII, who died without a son. A prodigious patron of the arts, he promoted the emergent French Renaissance by attracting many Italian artists to work for him, including Leonardo da Vinci, who brought the Mona Lisa with him, which Francis had acquired. Francis' reign saw important cultural changes with the growth of central power in France, the spread of humanism and Protestantism, and the beginning of French exploration of the New World. Jacques Cartier and others claimed lands in the Americas for France and paved the way for the expansion of the first French colonial empire. For his role in the development and promotion of the French language, he became known as le Père et Restaurateur des Lettres (the 'Father and Restorer of Letters'). He was also known as François au Grand Nez ('Francis of the Large Nose'), the Grand Colas, and the Roi-Chevalier (the 'Knight-King'). In keeping with his predecessors, Francis continued the Italian Wars. The succession of his great rival Emperor Charles V to the Habsburg Netherlands and the throne of Spain, followed by his election as Holy Roman Emperor, led to France being geographically encircled by the Habsburg monarchy. In his struggle against Imperial hegemony, Francis sought the support of Henry VIII of England at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. When this was unsuccessful, he formed a Franco-Ottoman alliance with the Muslim sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, a controversial move for a Christian king at the time.
Family tree
Commemorated on 2 plaques
Palais de l'Archevêché L'archevêché fut établi dans ce lieu vers 1340, transporté du faubourg de la Seds, dit "Ville des Tours", trop isolé face à l'insécurite. Le Palais fut sans cesse agrandi jusqu'à la fin du 18e siècle, pour être digne de la puissance spirituelle et temporelle des Princes de l'église qui l'habitaient. Tous les souverains français de passage à Aix y furent logés, de François 1er à Napoléon III. La réconciliation de Louis XIV et de Condé y fut scellée dans le Salon jaune. Un vaste réaménagement fut mené de 1650 à 1730, auquel participa Laurent Vallon. Durant celluici la façade et la porte monumentale de style Régence attribuée à Bernard Toro furent créées (1715). Sécularisé en 1905, il devint un musée en 1910 qui conserve les tapisseries possédées par les archevêques. Ces collections furent enriches de textiles du 20e siècle et d'objets relatifs au Festival d'Art Lyrique. C'est dans sa cour qu'est traditionnellement abrité ce festival international.
English translation: Palace of the Archbishop The archbishop was established in this place around 1340, transported from the suburb of the Seds, called “City of Tours”, too isolated in the face of the insecurity. The Palace was constantly enlarged until the end of the 18th century, to be worthy of the spiritual and temporal power of the Princes of the Church who inhabited it. All the French rulers passing through Aix were housed there, from Francis 1st to Napoleon III. The reconciliation of Louis XIV and Condé was sealed in the Yellow Salon. A major redevelopment was carried out from 1650 to 1730, in which Laurent Vallon participated. During cellici the façade and the monumental Regency-style door attributed to Bernard Toro were created (1715). Secularized in 1905, it became a museum in 1910 that preserves the tapestries owned by the archbishops. These collections were enriched with 20th century textiles and objects related to the Lyric Art Festival. This international festival is traditionally housed in its courtyard. [AWS Translate]
Musée des Tapisseries - Palais de l'Archevêché - Place des Martyrs de la Resistance, Aix-en-Provence, France where they passed through
Le Château Vieux Construit Sur Lemplacement Du Castellum Romain Par Bertrand Vicomte De Bayonne A Ete Habite Par Don Alfonso Le Batailleur Roe De Navarre (1130) Le Prince Noir + Duguesclin Don Pedro Le Cruel Roi De Castille (1367) Louis XI (1463) Francois Ier (1526) Charles IX (1565) Louis XIV (1660) Marie Anne De Neubourg Reine D'espagne (1706) Let Le General Palafox Defenseur De Sar Agosse (1809)
English translation: The Old Castle Built on the site of the Roman Castellum by Bertrand Vicomte de Bayonne Has Been Habited By Don Alfonso The Fighter Roe Of Navarre (1130) The Black Prince + Duguesclin Don Pedro The Cruel King Of Castile (1367) Louis XI (1463) Francis I (1526) Charles IX (1565) Louis XIV (1660) Marie Anne De Neubourg Queen of Spain (1706) Let General Palafox Defender Of Sar Agosse (1809) [AWS Translate]
Château Vieux - Rue des Gouverneurs, Bayonne, France where they lived (1526)