Lord Dr John Boyd Orr CH MC DSO FRS FRSE

Died aged c. 91

John Boyd Orr, 1st Baron Boyd-Orr, CH, DSO, MC, FRS, FRSE (23 September 1880 – 25 June 1971), styled Sir John Boyd Orr from 1935 to 1949, was a Scottish teacher, medical doctor, biologist, nutritional physiologist, politician, businessman and farmer who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his scientific research into nutrition and his work as the first Director-General of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). He was the co-founder and the first President (1960–1971) of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).In 1945, he was elected President of the National Peace Council and was President of the World Union of Peace Organisations and the World Movement for World Federal Government.

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Commemorated on 2 plaques

Lord John Boyd Orr, Nobel Peace Prize (1880-1971) lived in this house

Director's Residence, Rowett Institute, Greenburn Road, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, United Kingdom where they lived

Lord John Boyd Orr (1880-1971) CH DSO MC DSc MD Physiologist and Nobel Laureate. Graduate of the University of Glasgow. Established the Rowett Institute. Formulated World War II food rationing and developed improved nutrition policies post-war. Served as a Member of Parliament and was the first Director-General of the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organization. Received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on improving human nutrition (1949).

Boyd Orr Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom where they worked