Latest 20 plaques

George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust. "Many of us...would say that the kindest man we have ever known has been a medical man..." Middlemarch. George Elliot 1818-1880. Born at Arbury, Nuneaton. Statue donated by John Letts, Sculptor 1996. Garden is a Gift from members of the George Eliot Fellowship in Britain, Europe, America and Japan. June 2000.

George Eliot Hospital, Nuneaton, United Kingdom

Allesley Conservation Area. The Stone House, Birmingham Road. Built about 1557 for John Millward.

The Stone House, Birmingham Road, Allesley, United Kingdom

This stone was laid by the Marquess of Hertford, C.B. January 29th 1910.

50 Walsgrave Road, Coventry, United Kingdom

This foundation stone was laid by Mrs. Joshua Perkins on September 28th 1910.

50 Walsgrave Road, Coventry, United Kingdom

ამ ადგილას 1905 წელს 14 (27 ახ. სტ.) მარტს მოხდა დემონსტრაციის მონაწილეთა სისხლის მღვრელი შეტაკება მეფის ჯარის ნაწილებთან. მოკლული იქნა 3 და დაიჭრა 11 დემონსტრანტი. მოკლულთა დაკრძალვა 16-17 (29-30 ახ. სტ.) მარტს გადაიქცა მძლავრ პოლიტიკურ დემონსტრაციად მეფის თვითმპერობვდობის წინააღმდეგ. В этом месте 14 /27 по нов. ст./ марта 1905 года произошло кровавое столкновение участников демонстрации с царскими войсковыми частями. Было убито 3 и ранено 11 демонстрантов. Похороны убитых 16-17 (29-30 по нов. ст.) марта превратились в мощную политическую демонстрацию против царского самодержавия.

English translation: In this place in 1905, 14 (27 ca. st.) In March, there was a bloody clash of demonstrators with parts of the king's army. 3 were killed and 11 demonstrators wounded. Burial of the Slain 16-17 (29-30 A.D. st.) The march turned into a powerful political demonstration against the king's selfishness. In this place on the 14th /27th of March 1905, a bloody massacre of the participants of the demonstration with the tsarist military units took place. Three protesters were killed and 11 injured. The martyrs of the murdered 16-17 (29-30 AD) turned the march into a powerful political demonstration against the tsarist self-rule. [AWS Translate]

26 Stalin Avenue, Gori, Georgia

Victoria Square. Opened by Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales on the 6th of May 1993.

Victoria Square, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Friargate time capsule. 2016-2066.

Friargate, Coventry, United Kingdom

ამ სახლში 1926 წ.-2000 წ. ცხოვრობდა ხელოვნებათმცოდნე აკადემიკოსი ვახტანგ ბერიძე

English translation: In this house from 1926 to 2000. Art Academician Vakhtang Beridze Lived [AWS Translate]

3a Tamar Abakelia Street, Tbilisi, Georgia

ამ სახლში ცხოვრობდა 1907 წლიდან გარდაცვალებამდე დიდი დრამატურგი გაბრიელ ნიკიტის ძე სუნდუკიანცი Այս տանը ապրել է մեծ դրամատուրգ Գ. Ն. Սունդուկյանը 1907 թ. մինչլ իր մահը В этом доме жил с 1907 года по день смерти великий драматург Г. Н. Сундукянц 1825-1912

English translation: Sundukiantz, son of the great playwright Gabriel Nikiti, lived in this house from 1907 until his death In this house lived the great playwright G. N. Sundukyan before his death in 1907 In this house in 1907, on the day of the death of the great playwright G. N. Sundukianz 1825-1912 [AWS Translate]

9 Ivane Machabeli Street, Tbilisi, Georgia

Above this spot. 1854. By personal request, Queen Victoria looked out on the city through rose-tinted glass.

Paragon Station, Kingston Upon Hull, United Kingdom

Lichfield Civic Society Award 2014 Sibson Mill Properties Ltd For the highest quality of design and construction in the conversion of St. Michael's School Lichfield into residential units.

The former St. Michael's School Lichfield, Trent Valley Road, Lichfield, United Kingdom


Given to Sir Alfred Herbert, K.B.E. on his 90th birthday by the employees of Alfred Herbert Ltd and the associate companies in Australia, France, India and Italy. September 1956.

Lady Herbert's Garden, Coventry, United Kingdom

Do you have a friend? Since 1999 the people of Coventry and visitors to the city have commemorated a friendship, a secret relationship or a memorable encounter. The invitation for everyone to contribute to The Public Bench continues until the space is covered with plaques. Jochen Gerz, The Public Bench, 1998/2004.

Millennium Place, Coventry, United Kingdom

1856-1956. This plaque was erected by the Executive Council of the Amalgamated Engineering Union to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth on this site on 15th April 1856 of Tom Mann who was the first General Secretary of the Amalgamated Engineering Union and who devoted his whole life to the service of the trade union and labour movement and the working glass throughout the world.

177 Grange Road, Coventry, United Kingdom

This is the birthplace of Tom Mann. Working class leader. Born April 15th 1856. Died March 13th 1941.

177 Grange Road, Coventry, United Kingdom

Hawkesbury Canal Junction, "Sutton Stop". Junction of Brindley's Coventry and Oxford Canals of the 1780s, modified in the 1830s. Traditional mooring of working narrowboats.

Sutton Stop, Coventry, United Kingdom

To the memory of Edmund Charles Burton M.A. of The Lodge, Daventry. Born September 4th 1826. Died August 4th 1907. Educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford. This memorial was placed here in remembrance of Edmund Charles Burton by members past and present of the National Hunt Committee, his personal friends and others who esteemed him. A staunch churchmam, a renowned sportsman and a man greatly beloved. By his life he set an example of what a true English gentleman should be and whether in sport, business or pleasure it can be truly said of him "Sans peur et sans reproche".

, Daventry, United Kingdom

Doddridge Academy. Joseph Priestley LLD ERS theologian and man of science was a student here 1752-1755.

47 Sheaf Street, Daventry, United Kingdom

The renowned theologian and scientist Joseph Priestley, who discovered the element oxygen, studied here from 1752-5. The building, formerly the Doddridge Academy, was refurbished as part of a general development of 36 flats undertaken by Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association and Daventry District Council. This commemorative plaque was unveiled by Cllr. Chris Over, Chairman of the Housing Committee on 6 June 1995.

Sheaf Street, Daventry, United Kingdom

This gateway and boundary wall were erected to the memory of Andrew Alexander Brown (Born at Daventry 1850. Died 1914) and presented to the corporation by Councillor Thomas Brown of Birmingham, October 25th 1916. William Edgar, Mayor. Frederick Willoughby, Town Clerk. J.B. Williams, Borough Surveyor. Arthur Harrison, F.R.I.B.A. Geo B. Cox, Archts. Bosworth & Wakeford, Builders.

London Road, Daventry, United Kingdom